Selasa, 02 November 2010


. Selasa, 02 November 2010

Date Released : 25 September 2008
Quality : Good
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Pemain : Cut Mini, Ikranagara, Tora Sudiro
Genre : Drama, Education
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Laskar Pelangi film is told in the late 70's, on an island called Belitong island near the island of Sumatra. The island is rich in tin, but the exploitation of the country at the time.
There was a Muhammadiyah primary school struggling to open a new class. They were given an ultimatum in order to collect a minimum of 10 students in order to survive. For Ms. Muslimah (Cut Mini) and Pak Harfan (Ikranagara), it was not an easy task. SD Muhammadiyah is the first Islamic primary school in Belitong. Condition of school is already not worth taking. The school building was dilapidated with a perforated roof would leak and if the rain arrives. Due to globalization and the need for modern education into schools to shift their existence are avoided by many people. However, with struggling SD Muhammadiyah finally managed to gather 10 students to open a new class.
The school, lies the curls (Zulfani), latitude (Ferdian) and Mahar (Yamarno veris). Latitude is a bright child who was educated by the harshness of nature. Armed with reading newspapers, magazines, Latitude become a child of the most intelligent among others. Her house is located far away on the coast requires her to be up early to go to school. Not to mention when he had to pass a crocodile which typically wallow near normal road he passed their way to school. Curl is a child who is always curious and always trying to learn. While Mahar with a flamboyant style and battered radio around his neck is a smart figure in art. Because of compactness to 10 children, eventually they were dubbed by Bu Mus as Laskar Pelangi.
On the other hand, lies the PN Timah elementary school which is the favorite and the circles are filled.
To 10 children were tested with various trials for the continuation school in which they gain knowledge. Bu Mus rigidity in guiding them to make this school remained cheerful. But after the death of Mr. Harfan, Bu Mus be devastated and little children learn not fail in teaching.
How is the next story, what will happen to the children Laskar Pelangi is?
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